Are we all greenwashers?

Or, the Instagram Green Vibes

by Maral Valipour

We all know Instagram can sometimes feel like a glamorous runway for eco-friendly products, but here's the twist – are those bamboo toothbrushes and reusable straws just for show, or are they making a difference? Let's make eco-choices that go beyond the Insta-glam and actually contribute to a greener planet.


Also, can we talk about those trendy tote bags? They're everywhere – in vibrant colors, adorned with catchy slogans, and often a fashion statement in their own right. We strut around with these eco-chic accessories, and it feels like we're nailing the sustainability game. #OOTD goals, anyone? So, you've nailed the perfect tote bag pic for your Insta. But what happens next?

Sometimes, it stops right there – at the pic. It's like a one-off performance, a moment frozen in time. We've showcased our eco-credentials, but are we really living the green life beyond the gram?

The Tote Truth: 

Beyond the aesthetics, let's get real. Critics suggest that some tote-toters might be using these bags as a style accessory more than an actual commitment to reducing single-use plastics. It's like the bag becomes a prop, and the real impact on the environment gets lost in the shuffle. Tote bags are awesome, but they're just a small piece of the puzzle. 

From Fashion to Action: 

To truly embrace sustainable fashion, let's go beyond the tote bag trend. Explore timeless pieces made from ethical and sustainable materials. Consider quality over quantity, supporting brands that prioritize both style and eco-consciousness. It's about making choices that align with a commitment to long-term sustainability. Let's use Instagram as a platform to explore and share more sustainable choices – from reducing waste to supporting eco-friendly brands. It's about the bigger picture, folks!

Sustainability Beyond Style:

Remember that greenwashing is a thing. It's like companies slapping a nature emoji on a product and calling it eco-chic. But fear not! Let's be savvy consumers. Do some digging before you buy that 'green' stuff.

Critics side-eye the influencer culture, saying it's more about aesthetics than saving the planet. Ouch! But we can flip the script. Seek out influencers who walk the green talk. Look for authenticity and passion beyond pretty pics. Before the double-tap, take a moment. Ask yourself if the content aligns with your values and promotes positive action. Let's be mindful consumers of both content and products. 

Now, onto the solutions, dear eco-enthusiasts:

Timeless Sustainable Fashion:

Be a trendsetter in sustainable threads. It's not just about looking good; it's about fashion that stands the test of time and the environmental runway.


Support Authentic Eco-Friendly Brands:

Don your detective hat and investigate brands. Support those genuinely committed to being eco-warriors, not just posing as green trend followers.


Break Free from the Glam Bubble:

Challenge the algorithm! Diversify your feed with voices that go beyond pretty pictures. Because a well-rounded perspective is as essential as a well-filtered selfie.


Educate and Inspire:

Your platform is a podium—use it! Share nuggets of wisdom about sustainable choices, eco-friendly practices, and the art of being a mindful decision-maker.


But hey, small changes add up! Let's break free from the glam bubble. After all, our planet deserves more than just a pretty picture with a fabulous filter—it deserves a lasting commitment to green greatness!



This is Maral.


So, is buying used clothes sustainable?
Is the act of purchasing second-hand clothing truly aligned with sustainability principles? While it undeniably possesses certain eco-conscious benefits, it is essential to acknowledge that the sustainability of buying used garments is not inherently assured due to the presence of various persistent environmental and ethical concerns. Nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize that the manner in which we engage with this practice can significantly influence its overall impact. By adopting a thoughtful and conscientious approach, we have the remarkable opportunity to transform the act of acquiring pre-owned clothing into a powerful force for positive change.

On Harper’s Bazaar “Getting ready greener: experts on the simple changes you can make for more sustainable style

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Read The True Cost Of Shein Is One We’re Not Willing To Pay” on Elle.


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Now. Go to a festival and show your level of sustainability.

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Impossible not to mention.


A high impact, social-media designed visual protest. Given that we like Generations.

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Hi maral.

what can we do for the environment, our common home?

Well. Engage with local communities directly affected by social issues. Support Creative Workshops and Hackathons. Discover the top 15 environmental organizations. Bring together individuals with diverse skill sets—such as designers, engineers, artists, and social activists—and provide them with a space to collaborate, exchange ideas, and create innovative solutions.

Isn’t this like a dream? Well. No dreams, no solutions.


Work, or the meaning about what we look for.


The Unbearable Fakeness of Being