Osariemen, from Lagos to Milano.

This is the story of a 29yo girl who was born in Nigeria and started her journey to realize dreams. Those dreams, not being always realized.

Objects and clothes are not just a consumption good. Not only. They can tell a story, our personal story. Within this project Osariemen, a Nigerian-born girl living in Milano, shared her life journey through a set of fashion products and she did it in front of students from Florence High Schools Liceo Macchiavelli (section 3H) and Istituto Salvemini Duca D’Aosta (section 3A Les). She never gives up, and even when she tells about her struggles, she always smiles.

Osariemen joining us in Florence.

Then the struggle began. Firstly, my documents were at the verge of getting expired, secondly, I was running out of cash flow and needed to cut down my cost of living including my accomodation. My life took a whole new turn and I had to opt for an option I had never in my life dreamt of doing. I became a cleaner! Not to say cleaning is the most terrible thing to do, obviously not.

The fact that this is my current situation doesn’t take away from who I truly am nor the knowledge I came to Europe to acquire. My perpective on how I see life has taken a 360 turn because I have come to the realisation that there isn’t only one path to accomplishing your life’s goals and dreams. The path way to living isn’t written on stone so therefore turning right or left or keep moving forward doesn’t matter as long as you keep believing in yourself and staying positively connected to the source which we know as the G-factor or the Universe.


Kit di sopravvivenza per il presente.


“Essere utile agli altri mi rende felice.”